Pedigree Walker

Outlaw´s Total Chaos


Ch Rainday´s I´m on Fire


CH Bluestems Man-O-Firethorn

CH Briarbrooks black Arogance

Firesthornes Finishing Touch

Propwash Cobbercrest Obla-de

Propwash hey Jude

Propwash Motion Carried

Outlaw´s Promise of Glory

black tri

Ch Heartfire Smokn Gun of old

CH Beauwood´s Rustlin´ín

Heartfire in the Summertime

Outlaws blaze of Glory

CH Summertime Showdown of

CH Alibi´s Accidental Fortune

WP With Moonrise to Bluesunnycreek


Ch Cavalier´s Big Country


Ch Chasebrook Logo

CH Brigadoons one Arrogant

Ch Propwash Remarque

Ch Cavalier´s Belle of Brookrigde

CH Milwin´s Bishop´s Kardinal

CH Wyndridge Love is blue

Moon Rise Afternoon Surprise


Ch Firethorne´s Jarry McGuire

Briarbrooks Case in Point

Firethornes Push the Limit

Ch Firethorne´s Tuck-N-Twist

Firethorne´s Nip-N-Tuck

Carolinas Wishes do come true